
含酒精饮料标签(食品标签和广告指南第十章)(Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages)

时间: 2023-02-21 来源: 加拿大食品检验局
发布文号 暂无
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 未知 废止日期 暂无
属性 专业属性
备注 对含酒精饮料的定义,各种不同的酒精饮料,包括啤酒,立娇酒等的生产场地,字体大小,语言规格等都做了详细规定。此外还对标准化容器尺寸,容器尺寸,生产厂商名字及地址等的标签位置,字体大小,语言规格都进行了标准的制定。

       更多有关食品标签和广告指南规定,请详见 加拿大食品标签和广告指南(Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising)汇总,其它国家和地区的致敏原标识规定,请详见 致敏原及其标识的国内外法规现状

  Chapter 10

  Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages

  Table of Contents

  10.1 Alcoholic Beverages

  10.2 Common Name

  10.2.1 Beer

  10.2.2 Liqueurs

  10.2.3 Unstandardized Alcoholic Beverages

  10.2.4 Location

  10.2.5 Type Size

  10.2.6 Language

  10.3 Net Quantity Declaration

  10.3.1 Manner of Declaring

  10.3.2 Location

  10.3.3 Type Size

  10.3.4 Language

  10.4 Standardized Container Sizes

  10.5 Alcohol by Volume Declaration

  10.5.1 Manner of Declaring

  10.5.2 Location

  10.5.3 Type Size

  10.5.4 Language

  10.6 Name and Address of Dealer

  10.6.1 Definition

  10.6.2 Location

  10.6.3 Type Size

  10.6.4 Language

  10.6.5 Imported Goods Labelled with the Name and Address of a Canadian Dealer

  10.7 Origin Claims

  10.7.1 Brandy - Country of Origin

  10.7.2 Wine - Country of Origin

  10.7.3 Names of Wines - Geographical Origin

  10.7.4 Caribbean Rum

  10.7.5 Names of Spirits - Distinctive Products

  10.8 List of Ingredients

  10.8.1 Manner of Declaring Declaration of Food Allergens, Gluten Sources and Sulphites

  10.8.2 Location

  10.8.3 Type Size

  10.8.4 Language

  10.9 Durable Life Date

  10.10 Vignettes

  10.11 Age Claims

  10.11.1 Brandy

  10.11.2 Gin

  10.11.3 Rum

  10.11.4  Whisky

  10.12 Nutrition Labelling

  10.13 Use of the term "Dry"

  10.13.1 Gin

  10.13.2 Liqueurs

  10.13.3 Rum and Whisky

  10.13.4 Vodka

  10.13.5 Wine

  10.14 Use of the term "Light"

  10.15 Addresses of Provincial and Territorial Liquor Boards
       具体内容见附件    含酒精饮料的标签规定.PDF

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